Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5 weeks away

With just a little over 5 weeks to go;
I'm doing this diet again, and wow it's much harder the 2nd time around verses the 1st time. The will power I need to walk past the cookie, or pass the pizza that everyone is eating, is deep. I've really had to remove myself because I am afraid that I will give in to temptation. Thank God this time around it's only a total of 12 weeks of strict eating. Last competition I started in May and dieted all the way till Oct 30th.
Training has been lots of fun. The gym I train in has a few other personnel trainers and each of them are also preparing for the same show. So the energy level is high and the support from each other is awesome. It's very exciting.
Leaning out has been fun too. I get to see all the muscles that I've worked hard to get. I notice a lot in my arms and the width of my back.
More than anything though is the support this time around I feel that I have from my husband. Although Donnie isn't happy that I am going to get skinny again he sure hasn't been giving me such a hard time. Well I haven't exactly told him that I am going to get thin. He has asked me twice now if I have lost weight. I just keep saying no. But I am pretty sure you can tell that I've gone from 117 to 109. Probably the last 2 or 3 weeks he will really be able to notice and not have to ask. We'll see.
Time to eat and I am starving!

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